

A cracked tooth, loose filling, cavities, or an abscess has the potential to lead to the awful pain of toothache. 

If you aren’t able to get an immediate appointment with your dentist, these are a few home remedies for toothache that can give short-term relief.


1) Hydrogen Peroxide

A hydrogen peroxide rinse is a useful option to get a little relief from inflammation and pain. Beyond its ability to kill bacteria, this type of antiseptic can help to heal bleeding gums and reduce plaque. 

However, the hydrogen peroxide must be properly diluted, and used as a mouthwash. It shouldn’t be swallowed.

2) Peppermint Tea Bags

Peppermint has plenty of useful health benefits. Instead of making a drink with the tea bag, use it to soothe and numb sensitive gums. 

To do this, first place the tea bag in warm water and then let it cool. Now place the slightly warm tea bag against the affected area. 

Alternatively, the wet tea bag can be chilled (use the freezer) and then placed against the tooth to give a period of relief.

3) Garlic

Garlic can act as a very effective agent to kill harmful bacteria in the mouth, which can lead to dental plaque. To use this method, crush a few cloves of garlic to create a paste-like consistency and apply that to the affected area. Alternatively, a few fresh cloves of garlic can be chewed to produce a very appealing pain reliever.

4) Saltwater

A saltwater rinse is one of the most basic home remedies for toothache. 

This type of rinse can act as a natural disinfectant to help soothe oral wounds, reduce inflammation, and even loosen food debris and particles stuck between teeth. 

Create a simple saltwater rinse using a small glass of warm water with ½ teaspoon of salt. Gargle for 20-30 seconds. Don’t swallow the saltwater.

5) Cold Compress

A cold compress is a useful option for the toothache associated with any type of trauma. 

Applying ice wrapped in a kitchen towel or similar to the affected area helps to constrict the local blood vessels. 

This is likely to mean less pain as the main benefit, as well as the secondary benefit of reducing any inflammation and swelling. 

The cold compress should be held in place for about 15-20 minutes and repeated every few hours.Visit our site for more


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