Home Remedies for Sore throat

A sore throat relates to pain, irritation, itchiness, or general discomfort in the throat. If you suffer an episode of throat pain, you will soon notice how difficult it is to swallow food and liquids.

Fortunately, there are a plenty of home remedies for sore throat to soothe the irritation and pain.

1) Saltwater Gargle

A saltwater gargle is a simple solution to help soothe inflammation and minimize acidity levels that lead to throat irritation.   Also, this is useful at drawing irritants and infections closer to the throat’s surface where the body is more efficient at dealing with it. A typical saltwater gargle consists of 8 oz of warm water / ½ teaspoon of salt. Repeat the gargle every two hours for the best results.

2) Acidic Foods

A sore throat is often associated with acid reflux. So, anything that leads to an episode of acid reflux can worsen or prolong a painful sore throat. A few of the foods to temporarily omit from the diet include citrus fruits (lemons and oranges), fried foods and soda. Also, try to avoid eating food in the last hour before going to bed.

3) Turmeric Tea

Turmeric is a very beneficial supplement that is well worth adding to your diet. A major benefit is its anti-inflammatory properties that can go a long way to soothing the sore throat. Beyond the ability to add a few dashes of the supplement to your traditional tea, there is also special turmeric infused tea bags for a very convenient option.

4) Ibuprofen

Ibuprofen is very effective at soothing irritation and swelling. So, taking this over-the-counter (OTC) painkiller will take positive action to stop the throat-clearing and coughing that can slow the natural process for the throat to heal. Ibuprofen is best taken with food and make sure to abide by the dosing instructions.

5) Ice-cold Drinks

Drink an ice-cold drink to help minimize swelling and dull the pain. While the first few sips may be unpleasant, the cold liquid going down your throat will soon start to soothe and calm the inflammation that has created the pain.Visit our site for more.


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