Earning with YouTube Step by Step

One can earn by YouTube in just a few hours!! You can also become youtube partner to earn with YouTube. The initial step is to create the account, if you have Gmail id you can use it for signing purpose otherwise, you need to create a new Gmail Id by which you will be signed in on you Youtube.

 After signing you have click on your you have to left click on Icon that will appear in place of the sign in button, it shows you all the options, in which you have to click on My channel.

When You will click on my channel new page will appear, in which you have to write channel name, description, keyword etc.
When you are done with this you need to upload the videos, the video that you will upload must not be downloaded from any source of the internet if you uploaded such kind of content your account might be suspended because other people use copyright system to protect their videos. when you will upload your videos you also need to copyright your videos if you think your video will be copied.  
When you are done with this you need to promote your videos by the social links like Facebook, LikesBee, Twitter, Google+ etc to get visitors on your youtube channel, try to upload and update your videos so that visitors subscribe to your channel and keep continue to watching your videos.
Monetize your videos In order to start earning money on your videos, you’ll need to enable monetization. This means you are allowing YouTube to place ads in your video. This also means that you acknowledge that there is no copyrighted material in your video.
When you will enable monetization You need to signup for Google Adsense for this you must be 18 years old, and then you have provide valid data like Postal Address, PayPal or any Credit card number for your verification, mobile number verification and the payment method etc, After signup, Youtube will notify you by email your account has been approved or disapproved but in the case of youtube 99% accounts are approved, when your account will be approved you need to promote your videos. note you don't have to click any ad that is available in your videos. 2nd you also don't have to watch your own videos in both cases your account will be suspended.
After approval of Adsense, you have had upload videos frequently for engaging your audience, remember as your audience increase your earning also increases. Adsense will pay will pay you by your chosen method when your earning reaches to hundred dollars, youtube is paying once in a month if your earning is reached $100. if it is less than $100 then you have wait for the 2nd month, it does not matter your earning is greater than $100 after the payment date. you have to wait for next month to withdraw your money.
I hope my this article will help you to earn by youtube, keep me remember in your prayer's and stay blessed. in the case of any help, you can contact me by commenting on this post.


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