Pakistan vs. India WAR! My First Article

Pakistan vs. India WAR!
My First Article     

Pakistan vs. India WAR!
Both nations’ are religious fool they are taught to hate each other and this work is mostly performed by politicians using some TV ads and another source of communication, religious blind nations wants to kill one another because they don’t have humanism.
It’s a fact India continually atrocity in Jammu Kashmir that is also a big reason for the Pakistani nation to hate India and there were few sentences of PM Modi's speech regarding Baluchistan issue that became a cause of bad relation between Pak and India. But unfortunately, Pakistani Politicians make it a way to get success in election few people used to speech for getting famousness. It’s not only strongest point of Pakistan but also of India because politicians know that both nations are the religious extremist. It’s not theory made by me but its fact there is no compromise in Pak or India when religion is involved.
Pakistan is also not innocent Pak is involved indirectly in Indian attacks if Pak is not then it has provided hidden support to people who were involved in the attacks. It’s already mentioned politicians are always waiting for such a great opportunity to get some extra success, they are starting a WAR! By presenting extremist speeches and these extremist words sounds good and the outcome is this in front of us human wants to kill human willingly with no any shame ness.

I am requesting to all my Pakistani and Indian friends kindly don’t spread intense dislike, please spread love and peace. There is nothing in WAR without Destruction if it happens there will be nothing, no who loves you or whom you love.
Love You Pakistan.


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