Cache Memory

Cache Memory

Although cache memory is invisible to the OS, it interacts with other memory management hardware. Furthermore, many of the principles used in virtual memory schemes are also applied in cache memory.

On all instruction cycles, the processor accesses memory at least once, to fetch the instruction, and often one or more additional times, to fetch operands and/ or store results. The rate at which the processor can execute instructions is clearly limited by the memory cycle time (the time it takes to read one word from or write one word to memory). This limitation has been a significant problem because of the persistent mismatch between processor and main memory speeds: Over the years, processor speed has consistently increased more rapidly than memory access speed. We are faced with a trade-off among speed, cost, and size. Ideally, main memory should be built with the same technology as that of the processor registers, giving memory cycle times comparable to processor cycle times. This has always been too expensive a strategy. The solution is to exploit the principle of locality by providing a small, fast memory between the processor and main memory, namely the cache.
Cache Design
Key elements of cache design are briefly summarized here. We will see that similar design issues must be addressed in dealing with virtual memory and disk cache design. They fall into the following categories:
• Cache size
• Block size
• Mapping function
• Replacement algorithm
• Write policy
• Number of cache levels
We have already dealt with the issue of cache size. It turns out that reasonably small caches can have a significant impact on performance.

Another size issue is that of block size: the unit of data exchanged between cache and main memory. As the block size increases from very small to larger sizes, the hit ratio will at first increase because of the principle of locality: the high probability that data in the vicinity of a referenced word are likely to be referenced in the near future. As the block size increases, more useful data are brought into the cache. The hit ratio will begin to decrease, however, as the block becomes even bigger and the probability of using the newly fetched data becomes less than the probability of reusing the data that have to be moved out of the cache to make room for the new block.

When a new block of data is read into the cache, the mapping function determines which cache location the block will occupy. Two constraints affect the design of the mapping function. First, when one block is read in, another may have to be replaced. We would like to do this in such a way as to minimize the probability that we will replace a block that will be needed in the near future (i.e we have not to delete a block coming in near fyture). The more flexible the mapping functions, the more scope we have to design a replacement algorithm to maximize the hit ratio. Second, the more flexible the mapping function, the more complex is the circuitry required to search the cache to determine if a given block is in the cache.

The replacement algorithm chooses, within the constraints of the mapping
function, which block to replace when a new block is to be loaded into the cache and the cache already has all slots filled with other blocks. We would like to replace the block that is least likely to be needed again in the near future. Although it is impossible to identify such a block, a reasonably effective strategy is to replace the block that has been in the cache longest with no reference to it. This policy is referred to as the least-recently-used (LRU) algorithm. Hardware mechanisms are needed to identify the least-recently-used block.

If the contents of a block in the cache are altered, then it is necessary to write it
Back to main memory before replacing it. The write policy dictates when the memory write operation takes place. At one extreme, the writing can occur every time that the block is updated. At the other extreme, the writing occurs only when the block is replaced.
Finally, it is now commonplace to have multiple levels of cache, labeled L1
(Cache closest to the processor), L2, and in many cases a third level L3.


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