My grand father was a herbal healer( Veda, Hakeem ) he was a best and regular reader of books on alternative medicine.He was famous and successful healer of many acute and chronic disease. 

My grand father was a herbal healer( Veda, Hakeem ) he was a best and regular reader of books on alternative medicine.He was famous and successful healer of many acute and chronic disease. 

I learn many things from him . Once he told me that present scientific system of Medical Colleges and Universities, \

Health and Healing  or curing is based on the experiments on old herbal knowledge and remedies.The word Ved was pronounced by Europeans ad Med. 

He told that thousand years ago when regular Veda and Hakeem's were not found every where, when any person become ill the relatives carry him on a cart and put that in the middle of crossroads.

Where many  passenger or the passer-by inquire about the problem, someone could inform them about some healer or remedy.  

Many of the cosmetics and toiletries used on skin are derived from herbs.

We see that ancient people had good knowledge of properties of herbs so the put there names in accordance with there properties.  

The botanical name of deadly night shade is BELLADONNA  means "beautiful lady". I  writing here some herbal tips for skin care.


You need a stringent remedy to apply to oily skin it will remove any oil accumulated on the surface, keep the skin clean and tighten the surface.

In long term, this can help reduce the amount of secretions produced by the oil glands.

Try whitch-Hazel or cosmetic preparation  based on it.(this is one of the most gentle yet effective  of all the astringents.

Oily skin tends to develop blackheads, where oil in pores reacts with air to produce black color on its surface.

These will be less noticeable if the pores are tight rather than lax and again astringent will help.

The gel from witch-hazel can be used as face-pack. Another traditionally used material for a pack is finely ground oatmeal.

Mix this with water and a little bit of slippery elm powder (which helps sooth inflamed skin and will give a more work able consistency), apply to skin and leave for about 15 minutes, gently wash it with cool water and pat the skin dry.

Elder flower water is another traditional astringent use on the skin to help reduce blemishes as well as counteract oiliness.

The two can easily be combined sometimes if the skin is excessively oily  oily  the problem can be  alleviated by taking herbal remedies internally.

The most suitable are those that used to be known as the blood purifiers`.Various combinations are available on scientific herbal stores in the form of tablets or dry herbs to take as `teas .

These are well worth trying if you have a persistent or sever problem.  


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